Wavelength-selective light-matter interactions in polymer science



Light has provided unparalleled control over when and where chemical transformations take place (spatiotemporal control), yet a third dimension emerged the incident color of light can tailor reactivity, termed here spectral control. Wavelength-selectivity in polymer science been influenced by pioneering reports light-driven isomerization (photoswitches), deprotection (photocages), coupling (cycloaddition/-reversion), electron/energy transfer (photoredox/-sensitization), which enabled both soft matter fabrication property manipulation (e.g., mechanical, optical, electrical). Advancing utilizing wavelength-selective will rely on (1) characterizing photochemical reactions quantitatively as function wavelength, (2) introducing new reactive chromophores, (3) expanding mechanistic scope manufacturing beyond light-induced radical reactions, (4) manipulating material properties outside mechanical. Going forward, these facilitate design next-generation “smart” materials, have advanced tailored for applications that range from tissue engineering robotics to electronics. prominent stimulus generate manipulate polymeric materials across multiple length scales. Compared with other external stimuli, light-mediated approaches enable unprecedented occur (i.e., spatiotemporal control). To date, majority established protocols individual wavelengths (?monochromatic), does not harness full potential light-matter interactions. This review summarizes nascent progress discrete tool create alter matter. The concepts are structured an effort provide roadmap foster directions light-based chemistry. physical organic nature wavelength selectivity is first detailed introduction key insight lay foundation further developments. 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عنوان ژورنال: Matter

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2604-7551']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matt.2021.03.021